Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Biology Major's Dream Come True!
I'm so very excited! (If you can't tell.) I thought I wasn't going to be able to swing it because it's pretty expensive to go. But I was able to book a land tour (much much cheaper) and I decided I'm just going to be poor. I can't miss this opportunity.
I'm going when my friend Cara (more excitement!) comes to visit me during my vacation. We're going to the Galapagos, then after, we'll be going to hike Lake Quilotoa and stay at this awesome ecolodge, Black Sheep Inn. Check it out! I've heard such good things about it. And maybe we'll hit Mitad del Mundo (the equator museum) and Mindo (a cool cloud forest area I've heard about).
I'm super excited about my first vacation (I don't count December because that was interviews), though I'll be broke!
Oh. And in other exciting news (I think excited/exciting is the word of this post), we have a new president! I got to watch the Inauguration on CNN Espanol and I tried to make out as much of the speech as I could from how much they went over it in Spanish. History, my friends.
So, to end. GALAPAGOS!!!! And, as my co-teacher Debby would say, "Como se dice!? Como se llama!? OBAMA! OBAMA!".
Friday, January 16, 2009
In other news.
Well, that's what I've heard. There have been multiple accounts - coming from our school director, the cab driver, my family, everyone! Most say that the whole country's power went out. And many people said that it was a problem with the main power grid for the country. But then our taxi driver last night told us that it was part of the indigenous protests, which seemed completely plausible. There have been major indigenous protests recently, usually around the Cuenca area. The indigenous groups there have placed large boulders all around the roads to Cuenca so that cars aren't able to pass. It seems that it's completely peaceable, but that they're doing more and more to get the government's attention. I could see how they might cut out the power for a few days to prove a point. How they would have the power to do that, I'm not sure. But this morning, my family said that only 70% of the country didn't have power and that it was because of a lightning strike. So, I guess that's the truth?
The power went out around 5 PM, during my first intermediate class. And I was able to continue with the lesson as there was still sunlight. But by the time the 6 - 8 PM class time started to come around, I thought we would just have to cancel that class as there was no way the students would be able to see what I was teaching. However, my directora told me to continue with classes. What? How? My class gathered in my classroom, in a circle, in the dark. Because I wasn't even going to try to teach, we just told ghost stories, played "ummmmmbrella" (which was particularly mean to people who cannot speak English well), and "light as a feather, stiff as a board" all in the light of one lone candle. That was my first time playing that! And it's so crazy! Oh and during the ghosts stories, one of my students raises his hand and says, "a plane crashed in New York." WHHHAAAAAAT? "In the river." Still, what? What happened there?
It was a Thursday, which means it's "gringo night". So, Deb and I were still determined to meet up with the gringos. We were still able to get pizza (all the tiendas were open, with candlelight), go to our friend's house, and watch the new batman on his laptop.
So, for a blacked out night, with no water, it was still a good night. Horror stories, "light as a feather, stiff as a board", and Batman. Not bad.
The New Schedule.
So Debby and I had a meeting with la Directora explaining our situation (as she needed to get home a little earlier too) and she was surprisingly willing to accomodate us (as we thought she would think we were skimping on work). We worked out a deal where we would work Fridays for modules 4 & 5, to move up our schedule. That means my last day of teaching is JULY 8th! And the giant goodbye party will be JULY 9th! It works out! YAY!
So here is my new work schedule. Let me know if you want to visit because I would LUUUUURVE to have you!
Current module- (module 2): ends February 5th
Module 3: February 16 - April 7th
Module 4 (begin working Fri): April 15 - May 26th
Module 5: June 1 - July 8th
This means for vacation I have the weeks:
- February 5 - 15th (already have a visitor planned!!!!)
- April 7 - 14th
- May 26 - 31st
But overall, the schedule worked out marvelously! Wooop! I hope I can travel around and relax a bit before med school.
So, in summary. Come and visit me. I'll be waiting. =)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
New Years in Mira!
December 31st

The rest of the day entailed eating, talking in the house and super super super intense primping sessions with the host fam girls. We were going to look good for 2009, damn it!
During primping, some monos, which literally means monkeys came into the house trying to get through the doors to stain us/terrorize us. Completely harmless and fun as the monos are people who dress up with masks, and put tar or something on their hands and threaten to stain you unless you give them money. Usually a dime or a quarter will suffice. And the only reason they got into the house was because they were good family friends of my family. I only heard super super super high screaming and the girls rushing to shut the door. I had noooo idea what was happening. As usual. Supposedly, it’s a custom that is only really in Mira and a little in
We went to the town plaza with the whole family, carretas (masks) and all, to look at the ano viejos (the dolls representing the old year and the things they don’t want to carry into the new year) around town. Many of them were simple, but many of them were these huge ordeals.
After walking around, the parental units went back to the house and the kids went to the plaza to listen to the live music (which seemed to be in many streets in Mira). We went to the street with the stage we set up for the band we knew. At this point, most of Mira was milling around the park listening to the live music (no one was dancing at this point) with some ladies setting up stands of boiling liquor and some sort of juice? We listened to the music out in the street and then about 10 minutes to
At that point, the kids went back to the park area and we danced in the street until
January 1st
Though it wasn’t all roses. Because being the silly person I am, I wanted to sit as close to the edge to take in the gorgeous view, the fresh air, and feel alive! But ruining my nature moment was another call of nature. I sat in nice, warm, fresh urine. Of course that’s where all the men pee!
When we got back to Mira it was about