Monday, August 4, 2008

Wow. First Blog Experience Ever!

Wow. I've never had a blog before. So, this is a new experience for me. In fact, I've always considered myself "technologically challenged", so bear with me! Since I will be soon leaving for a year of teaching in Ecuador, I thought that starting a blog would be a good way of recording adventures, keeping in touch with friends, writing down thoughts (if I have them!), yada, yada, yada.

It's been really busy this summer with getting ready for Ecuador and applying to med schools. I've gotten to the point where I'm starting to feel CRAZY/hertmit-ish/want to write "just accept me!!!!" on my applications. I have less than 4 weeks before I leave for a year! My departure date is August 29th. I'll be leaving DC on the 28th. Before that time, expect me to be SCRAMBLING to do 5 secondaries, teaching, volunteering, seeing people, drinking wine, learning Spanish, working, raising money, and overall preparing for Ecuador. Yeah, I don't sleep much. But who needs that? I'm excited!

I think I've gotten to the point where things are starting to fall in to place (I think I've fundraised most of my fee - thanks to the wonderful donations from family, friends, and my wonderful co-workers at work! Thank you guys! You know who you are. :D ). All I have to do is keep doing what I'm doing and focus on the secondaries to crank them out. Once I'm done with UVA and EVMS, I think most of them will be easy after that. This is what I've finished so far:
-Albert Einstein
-Mount Sinai
And those that have yet to be done:

But who cares about that? I'm supposed to be living the life (which I haven't)! So, if you are a friend, kick me in the butt so that I go out with you and spend time with you before I go traipsing off to Ecuador! But yes, time is now limited, so get in line! =)


Anonymous said...

Sorry we haven't really gotten a chance to hang out during the times I've been in NOVA this summer, but I definitely want to meet up with you before you leave. I have my last section of the CPA exam on Aug. 23. Want to plan to meet Sam and me for dinner that night? (I'd call but my cell phone charger is currently in Danville... whoops!)

~ Jen

Kristine said...

Hey Jen! I would love to hang out with you before I leave. I actually am possibly thinking of having a goodbye bbq that night, but I've been so busy with apps that I haven't planned anything. If I do get around to planning it and all, then I would love you to come to that! But if not, then I would love to do dinner with you and Sam. I'll keep you posted (or pester me!). Yay, take care. =)

Vince Patton said...

You go girl!!! Looking forward to reading all of your adventures in Ecuador! Enjoy!!
~ Vince

sammo said...

you're GOING to get in! did i tell you i've decided to take TWO years off? yeah, i know... bummer. but i rather apply when i feel prepared.

have fun in ecuador, kristine!