Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ecuador - 2, Kristine - 0

So Ecuador is an interesting place. Too bad I haven´t had too much time to explore with our 16 hour days of orientation. For 16 hours, I´m practice teaching, taking classes on teaching and Ecuador in a hotel with 40 other gringos, and then off to Spanish class. Can we say intense?

In all this intensity, Ecuador has scored the first few points in our epic battle (our friendly epic battle, but battle nonetheless). Yes. When I went to visit Ibarra (which I will write about when I have time and internet cafe money), I had my jacket, camera, and cell phone stolen. Nothing scary or anything. Rather me being careless. So yes, that is a point to Ecuador and shame head shake for Kristine. It´s ok, I´m getting it all replaced. So, smile!

Then in the intensity of our schedule, I got something with a little bit of a fever, aches, and tummy unhappiness. That´s spread to everyone now. But I was one of the first. So, again, when the other volunteers went dancing, I lay in bed like the awesome person I am. Ecuador, you get another point. And an obligatory laugh at my gringo weakness.

But all in all, it´s a friendly battle. Because every day Ecuador, you give me an awesome 4 course almuerzo for under 2 bucks, I see the Andes, am surrounded by cool people and get to see things like La Compania. So, Ecuador, thats why you and I are friends.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Que lastima!!!! Como vas a sacar fotos para nosotros a ver? Te extrano mucho y te deseo suerte. Besos!!
