Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I had an epiphany. Sort of.

I´m not ready to start the real world in any way, shape, or form. As excited as I am to start med school (sadly, I´m big enough of a dork to really look forward to it), there´s still so much of the world I want to experience and do.

Part of me wants to say ¨Forget med school, I´m going to be a gypsy.¨ and just go with the flow and take whatever opportunity that comes up. Live in France, live in a park in Big Sur, work my way around the world by taking small odd jobs.

So far in Ecuador I´ve met a lot of cool and crazy gringos with lives I secretly and not so secretly covet. They take off and travel the world, moving to different destinations as they meet people and opportunities arrive. Or people who come to visit a friend in Ecuador and decide to stay and make it work and then see where things will take them next.

What´s next in my list of opportunities to take? Living in Europe? You better believe I will make it happen (if even for a short while). Working my way through India (We shall see!)? Southeast Asia? Or maybe I´ll just stay in South America longer. We shall see. But I refuse to just ¨settle down¨ once I am done with Ecuador.

Now, to incorporate that with med school...

1 comment:

pakstar said...

you're too cute gade ^^