Monday, May 25, 2009

Up and coming.

First, I have vacation starting on Wednesday and so I will be going to the Oriente (Amazon) with Debby and Stacey (the new volunteer in Ibarra) starting on Wednesday. We'll be taking a tour and it'll be our first time in the Amazon. So I'm super excited! I really want to try the ants that taste like lemon!

Other than that, like the crazy person I am, I signed up for the Ultimas Noticias race in Quito for June 7th. It's a 15 K mainly uphill at 10,000 feet in altitude. What the hell was I thinking?! I haven't run in months and I've only run once a week (one time stopping to eat while running) since I signed up for the race. It's going to be baaaaaad. I know it. I blame Debby for this one. Hahahaha. So, we'll probably be giant lazy bums and stop a bunch and just be happy we finished. But, really, stupid. We'll see how it goes!

Monday, May 18, 2009

It's official. I'm deferred.

Ok. So it's official official. I am a deferred student at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. I won't enter med school until August 2010! I'm part of the class of 2014! I must say that's better than the class of 2013. Caraaazy!

So, I'll be sticking around Ibarra a lot longer. I hope that means I'll be getting a lot more visits!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Big News.

Ok. So it's been a really long time since I've written in this at all. And that's because a lot of stuff has happened. I've also been turning a lot of stuff over in my head. If you've been following this blog, you've probably noticed that I've thought about "being a gypsy" or staying here. Well, for the last month or so I've been really really seriously considering it. And I applied to stay with WT here for another year. I got the extension. I have until May 15th to notify UVA med school (my chosen school) to let them know if I will defer or not, which is really just in 2 days.

I think I've come to a decision. Not 100% yet. But 98% sure - especially since I will write the director of Admissions tomorrow morning.

I am staying in Ecuador another year - teaching at CECAMI and staying in Ibarra again.

I will attempt volunteering at a health clinic in the mornings, teaching in the afternoons, learning more Spanish and continuing to travel on the weekends. I hope the experience continues to be great.

You think it's crazy?