Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Biology Major's Dream Come True!

I'M GOING TO THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS!!!!!! Excitement. Excitement. Excitement.

I'm so very excited! (If you can't tell.) I thought I wasn't going to be able to swing it because it's pretty expensive to go. But I was able to book a land tour (much much cheaper) and I decided I'm just going to be poor. I can't miss this opportunity.

I'm going when my friend Cara (more excitement!) comes to visit me during my vacation. We're going to the Galapagos, then after, we'll be going to hike Lake Quilotoa and stay at this awesome ecolodge, Black Sheep Inn. Check it out! I've heard such good things about it. And maybe we'll hit Mitad del Mundo (the equator museum) and Mindo (a cool cloud forest area I've heard about).

I'm super excited about my first vacation (I don't count December because that was interviews), though I'll be broke!

Oh. And in other exciting news (I think excited/exciting is the word of this post), we have a new president! I got to watch the Inauguration on CNN Espanol and I tried to make out as much of the speech as I could from how much they went over it in Spanish. History, my friends.

So, to end. GALAPAGOS!!!! And, as my co-teacher Debby would say, "Como se dice!? Como se llama!? OBAMA! OBAMA!".

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